Herbal Series • Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

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A herb for protection and vitality. Supports the liver in clearing excess estrogen.

We’ve all experienced some type of hormonal imbalance at some point in our lives.  If you’re like me, this imbalance led to excess estrogen which stimulated cell growth in your breast tissue and created growths such as fibroadenomas and a tumor. Keeping our liver healthy is one of key ways that we can help maintain healthy and balanced hormones.

In TCM, organs and emotions are very closely related. The liver helps regulate your emotions and inversely can directly be impacted by certain emotions. It’s the organ most affected by stress and  associated with anger, resentment, frustration, irritability, and bitterness. The liver is involved in the smooth flow of energy and blood in your body. It has direct control over the growth and functioning of every cell in the body. This is key if you’re struggling with growths stimulated by excess estrogen.

Milk thistle is a powerful herb that helps the cleanse and detoxify the liver, thereby clearing excess estrogen. This excess estrogen can come from a number of places; unopposed progesterone (too low in ratio to estrogen), xenoestrogens found in our cleaning products, skin care, pesticides in our food, a diet high in processed and refined sugar, and so on.  Our environments are filled with this stuff. One of the ways to maintain healthy estrogen levels is to make sure your liver is healthy and clearing toxins on a daily basis. A congested liver causes toxins to recirculate in the body, causing a number of issues like breast tenderness, growths in breast tissue, PMS symptoms and skin issues being the most obvious.

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  • Protects and detoxifies the liver

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Keeps skin healthy

  • Anti-aging

  • Promotes healthy hormone levels.

  • Soothes digestive issues such as stomach aches

  • Prevents kidney and gallstones

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Protects the heart

  • Anti-allergenic

  • Anti-cancer


Breast Health

  • When your liver is healthy and excreting hormones efficiently, there is little estrogen accumulation in breast tissue. Estrogen is a cell division stimulator and will fuel the growth of fibroadenomas, cysts, lumps, tumors and cancer. It will also create symptoms like breast tenderness. Breast massage is a great way to help drain the lymph and reduce breast pain and tenderness.

  • Increases breast milk production



  • Protection, healing, vitality and strength

  • Attracts good spirits and wards off evil influences.


Parts Used

  • The flower heads are picked in full bloom in early summer and the seeds are collected in late summer.  


  • Both the seeds and the leaves can be consumed in either pill, powder, tincture, extract or tea form.


I’ve been using milk thistle as a tincture and in a powdered capsule mostly for it’s ease and quickness to consume.


Did You Know

  • Each flower can produce up to 190 seeds which is 6350 seeds in the plant’s lifetime!


