The Uses + Benefits Of Thermography
by Kristin Dahl
Photo: Jordan Paynee
Kristin Dahl is a Los Angeles based nutritionist, herbalist, and women’s wellness educator whose teachings emanate from her extensive education in holistic healing, Ayurveda, herbal medicine, plant-based cooking, and functional nutrition. Her book, The Art of Wellness, co-written with Olympic Gold Medalist Stephanie Rice, has gained global attention for its integrative guidance on health and wellness. Kristin’s approach merges the practical and spiritual, educating and empowering individuals to take preventative steps and make lasting change. Visit her websites: &
For non-American readers, Kristin’s experience is within the American medical system which adheres to different standards and regulations. While the FDA might espouse that mammograms expose women to an insignificant amount of radiation, I don’t believe this to be true. But it’s up to you to research what tools are available to you in your area and what you feel is right for your situation.
From my experience in the Canadian system, mammograms are only generally recommended (there are always exceptions ) to women over the age of 50. It’s about a holistic approach and nurturing ourselves physically, emotionally and spiritually. I believe thermography is a great preventative tool for everyone.
Ask your healthcare practitioner is there are any thermography clinics available in your area.
In my early twenties, just before enrolling in nutrition school, my doctor detected a lump in my breast and ordered a mammogram. At first, I resisted, taking several months to book the appointment and get checked out. When I finally went for the mammogram, the experience was stressful, uncomfortable and in the end, completely unnecessary. It turned out to be a benign breast cyst. At the time, I wasn’t fully equipped with the knowledge or tools to take matters into my own hands. Deeper education, plus thorough blood and genetic testing, informed me that I was dealing with estrogen dominance. I discovered that my real issue was healthy estrogen metabolism -my body’s genetic ability to clear excess estrogen. Throughout my 20’s, this expressed itself as breast and uterine cysts, severe PMS and a multitude of symptoms related to hormonal imbalance. Cleaning up my diet and lifestyle, alongside reducing stress and working with herbs and supplements, remedied the imbalance.
Staying in tune with my body and hormones is of top priority for me. Years of dedication to my personal health and professional practice have opened me up to an array of alternative healing modalities and diagnostics tools. During my studies, I learned about the benefits of thermography for early cancer detection and abnormal cellular activity and I have been recommending it, in conjunction with comprehensive blood work and genetic testing to clients ever since.
Recently, I visited The Thermography Center in California for a full-body scan in order to gain a deeper awareness of my overall state of health. The experience was comfortable, stress-free and incredibly insightful. I learned that my lymph and immune system need more support and that regular massage and chiropractic treatments would be of great benefit to me. The pros of thermography far exceed the cons and I’m thrilled to share this supportive tool with you. Read on to learn more about the benefits of thermography, how it works, and why this non-invasive FDA approved screening tool is a helpful first step in preventative care.
Thermography is a thermal imaging screening tool that can help with early detection of abnormal growth in a woman’s breast and offer insights into an individual’s (men or women’s) overall state of health. This non-invasive, pain-free method avoids the use of radiation and can indicate potential signs of disease or dysfunction in multiple body systems. It can also highlight inflamed areas, degenerative changes, or sluggish activity in the lymph or organs, like the liver and spleen. Full body scans offer insight into the inner workings of the body and help empower individuals to take control of their own health.
Left photo: healthy breast Right photo: Unhealthy Breast
How It Works
Thermography uses digital infrared thermal imaging to detect heat patterns and blood flow to the surface of the body. Every organ and glandular system stimulates blood flow that pumps to the surface of the skin. This is controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which is the body’s automatic regulation system. Body and organ imbalances disturb blood flow and show up in surface areas as excess heat. These images can help identify an individual’s risk of developing breast cancer, indicate immune & lymphatic function and highlight the potential for other diseases or degeneration.
Blood flow increases when cancer cells grow or inflammation is present, which in turn increases the skin’s temperature. A digital scanner takes pictures of this heat, which is then converted into colored images. Different colors indicate the varying temperatures emitted from different body parts, organs, and tissues. The results are reviewed by a radiologist who offers feedback and insight on areas of inflammation and imbalance. By tracking the heat in these images, you can get an overall read of your current state of health, autonomic nervous system function, and the overall strength of each organ system. Tumors can potentially be identified and monitored over time.
There are times when mammograms are unnecessary, as it was in my case. Traditional mammograms involve exposure to a small amount of radiation. While the amount may be insignificant, repeated exposure from regular exams can add up over time. Thermography is non-invasive and does not use any radiation. It’s a great option to consider for early detection, especially for women who are at high risk of developing breast cancer or who have cystic lumps or fibroids. It can help distinguish between these and possible cancer.
Who Can Benefit
Women between the ages of 20 and 50, or those with dense breast tissues or unexplained lumps, may benefit the most from thermography. The earlier a woman is exposed to radiation through traditional breast examination methods, the more radiation she will accumulate in her lifetime. Thermography is also a useful tool for women with larger breast tissue or breast implants, as it is harder to detect areas of concern using a traditional mammogram. Thermography offers a gentler approach to breast and body health.
Things To Keep In Mind
It’s important to note that thermography is not a replacement for mammograms, but, instead, is an FDA approved tool that can be used for early detection or in conjunction with mammograms. For women with breast (or body) concerns, it is a great first step to take, but it is not a fail-proof method.
Thermography has been around since the 50’s, however, since it’s not a fail-proof detection system, the FDA has not cleared it for independent use as a breast cancer detection device. It is not 100% accurate, but neither are mammograms. Thermography can be useful for helping women better understand various changes that may be happening in their bodies and empower them towards preventative methods. Those with an increased risk of developing breast cancer may find it beneficial to engage in regular thermography screening to determine whether there is something that they need to investigate further with their health care provider. Regular blood work and genetic testing are also valuable tools to determine a woman’s risk of getting breast cancer. If you’re dealing with a hormonal imbalance seek the support of a holistic practitioner to create an individualized healing plan specific to your body and needs.