The Process with Ervina Wu


Have you ever wondered what goes into creating a skin care product, a breast balm no less? Tune in to this series, The Process, to learn how these incredible products come to be.

Ervina Wu received her PhD from Zhejiang Chinese Medical University where she did clinical training in autoimmunology. Prior to TCM school, she worked in finance and venture capital for over 8 years where stress and intensive hours took a toll on her health. When she healed herself through Chinese medicine, she knew she had to learn more. Her passion for medicine, travel, and beauty made her a master collaborator in product formulations and business development of the company. Ervina is also a registered TCM dermatologist with the International Association of Chinese Medicine Dermatology.

“As a breast cancer survivor, I personally witnessed the power of Chinese medicine - the effects are so profound that we had to create a skincare ritual based on the holistic principles of TCM.” Ervina Wu

Very few skin care brands create breast products. Why did you decide to create yours?

Our ethos has always been beyond skincare and helping people achieve wellness through daily rituals.

With the breast product - we wanted something that would help women be more connected to their breasts as it’s a commonly neglected area in skin care routines.  By reminding women to care for their breasts, we hope to bring more awareness to breast health.  It’s really a project of love.  I’m a breast cancer survivor and found my own lump before any doctors diagnosed my condition.  

We also believe the face extends beyond the jawline and includes the neck, chest and breasts.   The skin on the neck and chest area is more delicate, has less oil glands, and more vulnerable yet it's often neglected. You can prevent premature wrinkles and damage by extending your skincare routine and being extra gentle to the skin on your décolletage.

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You use some truly wonderful ingredients. Why did you choose the ingredients that you used?

In Chinese Medicine, one of the main etiology of how breast lumps come about is from stagnation of Qi, primarily in the liver organ - which can impede the flow of Qi in the meridians.  Sort of like “traffic jam” on our energy pathways.

We used ingredients that are know to smooth out this flow - such as Cyperus Root and Vacaria seeds (traditionally used for ear seed therapy).  To further invigorate the area, we also used Bugleweed and Spatholobus stem. Both these herbs are known  as blood movers and have anti-oxidant qualities for the skin.  

What went into creating the breast balm? What was this process like?

Like any YINA product, everything takes many rounds of R&D.  The decolletage treatment was no exception.  The good thing about our team is mostly women and we had many girlfriends who were willing to try our prototypes.

While efficacy matters, the application, texture, and scent are also important.
The product should absorb reasonably quickly, it should also offer some slip for massage and smell inviting.  We chose Lotus and Yuzu to create its scent profile and to help open up the heart chakra.  Every ingredient is in the formula for a reason.

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What are your breast care rituals?

It’s more of a habit for me to massage my breasts every day.  I spent 15 minutes to massage my chest and breast regions post shower/bath.  My massage ritual is so ingrained that I don’t think too much about it, sort of like brushing teeth.  I also don’t wear wire bras any more; I highly recommend women to go braless now they are working from home.

How do you celebrate and nurture yourself?

I practice gratitude and manifestation everyday. The first thing I wake up every morning is to drink some warm herbal tea, then I spend a few minutes writing in my journal.  

When I sleep enough, exercise, and have some quiet time to myself, I am happy, relaxed, and a better person. Right now I am serving my mandatory 14-day quarantine at a hotel in China so life is great!
