The Power Of Intentions

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Energy flows where our attention goes.

Our breasts are incredibly sensitive to stress and emotions and they often mirror what is manifesting within a woman’s heart and mind. Every cell in our bodies listens to our thoughts while your immune cells know your deepest feelings. 

Luckily, breasts (as does your body) respond to positive and loving emotions. This is where creating and rewiring for healthy thought patterns will be incredibly important for your health and wellbeing.  Our words carry tremendous weight and power. We’ve known for centuries that we have the power to speak things into existence. Abracadabra, a phrase we’ve all heard,  is Hebrew and means “I create what I speak”. Choosing our words carefully can truly make all the difference.


The Body Achieves What the Mind Believes


Throughout her work Louise Hay talks about metaphysical causations. ” The power in the words and thoughts that create experiences.” She went on to discover the  link between certain thought patterns and physical dis-ease manifestations.

The thoughts we think, the words we speak and the feelings we feel have all been proven to impact our health either positively or negatively. The choice is ours. Breast imbalances  can be especially stressful and anxiety provoking. In these moments, and I’ve been here hundreds of times, it’s important to take some deep breaths and harness our thoughts. Our mindset plays an incredibly important role in our health. We always have a choice. We can choose to succumb to our fears or we can empower ourselves with loving intentions until we get things checked out.

Saying intentions on a consistent basis will help create new healthy thought patterns and positively impact your cellular DNA. If you’re struggling with any breast imbalances, starting an intentions practice will be incredibly healing and reassuring. I’ve personally found the following exercise to be very relaxing and great at dispelling fears. It takes us out of a victim mentality and empowers us to harness our strength.

“ Our beliefs control our bodies, our minds and thus our lives.” Bruce Lipton

(A belief is a repeated thought.)



Rub your hands together to create some healing and stimulate the flow energy and place them lovingly on your breasts and recite a loving intention:

  • “It’s safe to be in my body.” Lara Elliott

  • “Girls, you’re safe with me”

  • “I take in and give out nourishment in perfect balance” Louise Hay

  • “I am important. I count. I now care for and nourish myself with love and with joy. I allow others the freedom to be who they are. We are all safe and free.” Louise Hay

  • My body knows how to heal itself, and is doing so even now.” Deepak Chopra

  • “I am vibrantly healthy.”

  • “I love, honor and accept myself.”


Did You Know

Our hands hold innate healing energy has which been used for centuries. For example, Reiki.