A Daily Practice

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Creating new health affirming habits.

A Daily Practice is a new series that will take you through a new practice you can implement into your daily life to help foster health and healing.

Implementing a daily practice is powerful tool when it comes to creating new habits. Many of us have heard that you need to practice something for 21, 41, 66, 90 (the number varies according to who you talk to) days in order create a new habit.  Let’s take the following practice through the next 40 days. It’s often the little shifts that can have the largest impacts and can help bring our bodies back into homeostasis.


Drink Water

This week’s Daily Practice will be drinking 1.5 – 2 L  of spring (is the best) or filtered water a day. Simple, no? Yet so many of us simply don’t drink enough water.

Up to 70% of the human adult body is composed of water. Proper hydration helps with detoxification, maintains healthy bowel movements, keeps stress levels low, supports healthy lymphatic function and balanced hormones just to name a few.  Estrogen and progesterone influence your hydration and when you’re in your menstrual cycle, blood loss can affect your hydration levels. Best to increase your water intake during this time. Being dehydrated also stresses the body which greatly impacts it’s ability to heal and  function properly.



Added citrus fruits to your water. This increase the levels of nutrients and creates a tasty drink. If you struggle to remember, write yourself a note or fill a large bottle of water and have it on hand. I fill a large mason jar with citrus fruits and filtered water in the morning and drink it throughout the day.