The Benefits Of Going Braless

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Improve lymph flow, detoxification and nutrient circulation.

Doing something as simple as wearing our bras less often can have tremendous benefits for our breast health. Our breasts are, as Nadine Artemis describes in Renegade Beauty, ” …are strapped down and pushed up… .” Getting your first bra was a right of passage, an initiation into womanhood. They’ve become synonymous with femininity yet block the breasts energy, detox mechanisms and natural essence.

There are times when wearing a bra is a must. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. The key is to realize when the bra in question might not be the best choice. For example if it leaves red marks after taking it off, this means that important lymph and blood circulation pathways are being restricted. After wearing bras for years, going braless (90% of the time) didn’t happen over night.  But the more I went without the better I started to feel. This is also important for women struggling with imbalances such as fibroadenomas, when the  lymph becomes restricted it increases cellular inflammation.


Here are some important benefits that will truly help support (no pun intended ;)) your breast health:

  • May reduce breast lumpiness.

  • Improves immune response.

  • Improves lymphatic circulation and drainage.

  • Improves blood and nutrient circulation.

  • Increase the energy flow in the breasts.

  • Improves detoxification of breast tissue.

  • Reduces breast tenderness and pain.

  • Improves tone and firmness of breasts.

  • Reduces inflammation


Not wearing a bra on a daily basis is one of the best things I’ve done and notice a tremendous difference. Have you ditched the bra completely, a little bit? How have you felt? Let us know your thoughts below!