My Supplement Recommendations For You

My Supplement Recommendations For You.jpg

Supplementation has been an incredibly important part of my healing journey. I wouldn’t have achieved my results without it. If you’re dealing with any kind of imbalance or illness, supplementation can be incredibly supportive.

Support A healthy Diet

To supplement is to support a healthy diet, not replace it. Taking vitamin C doesn’t give you permission to keep eating fried food everyday.  With our modern day methods of mono cropping and long haul transportation our food is nutrient deficient. Fruits and vegetables are being grown with a focus on transportability, appearance,  longevity and low price point. They lack the nutrition and flavour our grandparents enjoyed and benefited from. For instance, some report that the potato has lost 100% of it’s vitamin A, and 50% of its vitamin C.  Blueberries, tomatoes and strawberries more often than not have little taste which means less nutrients. It’s become so common that buying a fruit or vegetable that is full of flavor is quite shocking and exciting. Heat, light and oxygen reduce nutrient content and most of those fresh berries flown in from Mexico or Chile will have little nutritional value by the time you’re ready to consume them. Buying frozen fuit or vegetables is one way to ensure higher antioxidant levels and increased flavour. Another tip is to eat in season and locally.

Stress + Nutrients

Stress (emotional, physical, nutritional, environmental),  prescription medication, and birth control are also known to deplete key nutrients. If you’re dealing with a chronic illness or imbalance on top of that, your nutrient requirements will probably be greater and in need of support.  Also, organic doesn’t necessarily mean the food has more nutrients. It depends entirely on the quality of the soil in which the food was grown. So many of our imbalances and illnesses are related to nutrient deficiencies. Unfortunately, our current food system fails to keep us properly nourished.

Test Don’t Guess

The best way to find out if supplementation is right for you is to try it out. Some of the basic ones that are important across the board are a B vitamins (yes, all of them), D3/k2, magnesium, a multi mineral, vitamin C and iodine. You’re thinking, wow, that’s a lot. It really depends on your individual needs.  I’ve experienced such a difference in my health once I started a daily supplementation regime. Another option is to take a nutrient deficiency test. This will tell you exactly which nutrients are low and/or deficient. You can then spend your money on the correct supplements.  I can’t recommend this test enough. Supplementation should be combined with regular blood work and doctors visits. You might not always feel the effects of supplements but this doesn’t mean they’re not working. Or perhaps you’re taking a supplement and your blood work is showing that it’s having little or no effect.  This could indicate an absorption issue. It’s also important not to take supplements simply based on the latest trends. Inform yourself, get tested and supplement according to YOUR individual needs.

Tailor Your Needs

The supplements you take will also vary depending on what health issues you have. For instance if you’re dealing with gut health problems, you’ll want to start using gut healing supplements like collagen, L- glutamine, bone broth and bitters.

  • Gut healing: collagen, L-glutamine, bone broth, triphalabitters

  • If you don’t eat red meat : iron, B12

  • Healthy hormonal balance : milk thistle, B vitamins, D3/K2,  magnesium, DIM, turmeric, iodine, zinc

  • Stress: Ashwagandha, vitamin C, B vitamins, turmeric, rhodiola, magnesium

  • Adrenal support: Ashwagandha, vitamin C,  B vitamins, turmeric, rhodiola, magnesium, siberian ginseng

  • Skin Health: B vitamins, zinc, vitamin C, turmeric, collagen, magnesium, omega 3 and 6

Now all vitamins and minerals are important for all of the above and a deficiency in one can cause problems in several areas. That being said, certain things like stress will deplete more vitamins and minerals than others. Stress and adrenal fatigue use up more B6. So if you’re dealing with theses issues, finding a B vitamin complex with higher B6 levels will be greatly beneficial.

This is just a basic starting point. There’s lots more you can do, especially with lifestyle , and there are many more supplements you can experiment with like mushrooms and adaptogens.


Give your supplements time. The general rule is to wait 12 weeks before you start feeling the benefits. But again, we’re all different so you might feel the benefits sooner or later.

I’ve gone periods without taking key supplements, and I’ve noticed a difference. At one point I stopped taking my B vitamin complex, because I had run out, and started noticing small rashes develop above my lip and in between my eyebrows. After several months of investigation I discovered this was due to low B vitamins.  


The quality of your supplements is INCREDIBLY important.  The supplements industry isn’t regulated and many harmful fillers and preservatives are used. Price is generally a good indicator. Higher price points generally mean higher quality. Ask your healthcare practitioner what reputable brands they trust and would recommend.  To invest in high quality foods and supplements is to invest in yourself. It’s worth it.





  • Ashwagandha – Helps reduce the effects of mental, emotional, and physical stress and boosts immunity

  • Triphala – Strengthens, cleanses, and tonifies the digestive system without stripping essential nutrients from the body.

  • Rhodiola – Great for immune depletion, balance blood sugar levels and enhances female reproductive function.

  • Marine Collagen – Helps repair and strengthen the gut and intestinal lining.

  • 5 Mushroom Blend – This blend is great for pretty much everything.

  • Milk Thistle – Is a powerful liver cleanser and supports healthy digestion

  • Iron – Treats anemia, regulates body temperature, oxygen carrier and treats restless leg syndrome

  • B12 – Keeps the body’s nerve and blood cells healthy and helps make DNA.

  • L-Glutamine – Helps repair the gut and intestinal lining.

  • Estrogen Balance –  Promotes healthy estrogen metabolism

  • D3/K2-Important for every bodily function

  • Iodine – An important anti-estrogenic mineral

  • Bitters – Stimulate digestive self repair

  • Magnesium– The relaxation mineral

  • Multi Mineral – Important for all bodily functions