Nutrients + Supplementation
If you’re struggling with breast imbalances there are many tools available to you. There are so many that you might feel a little overwhelmed and unsure of where to start. My recommendation is to start with one or two things that resonate with you the most. It’s also important to know where your nutrients levels are at. Getting tested for nutrient deficiencies will be an important and critical first step in your healing journey. You can then spend your money on the right supplements. For example, if you eat a lot of avocados, you might not need to supplement with vitamin E.
The goal is to regain homeostasis, especially with our hormones. Our bodies are incredibly intelligent and know exactly what to do. It’s up to us to support it as best we can. From my personal experience, you don’t have to do anything drastic or overhaul your life in one day. Most often, the smallest changes done consistently can yield big results. And remember to keep going. It took me several years before I started seeing significant changes – although I also didn’t know about 90% about what you’re learning in this course.
Along with correcting your nutrient deficiencies, you’ll be incorporating tools (oils, herbs, etc.) that are known to shrink and heal breast imbalances, such as castor oil, iodine, dandelion root and so on (not necessarily in that order, these are just examples).
Castor oil
Vitamin D3
Vitamin E
B Vitamins
Indole-3-Carbinol / DIM
Omega 3’s
Castor Oil
This oil is incredibly healing and should be in everyone’s medicine cabinet. It’s a powerful detoxifier, lymphatic cleanser and is deeply healing. It’s a true powerhouse with it’s shrinking abilities. It has the ability to penetrate deeply while most oils stay on the surface. If you have any kind of benign growth, it’s worth applying some castor oil several times a week. You’ll marvel at it’s healing power.
Rich in fatty acids.
It’s known to reduce benign masses and swellings, including cysts, lumps, tumors, uterine fibroids and fibroadenomas.
Improves lymphatic drainage.
Speeds up healing.
*It’s incredibly important that the oil you’re using is cold pressed, organic and hexane free.
Castor Oil Pack
You will need:
Castor oil (organic and hexane free)
Hot water bottle
An old shirt, pyjamas or towel you don’t mind getting stained (castor oil stains).
30-60 min for 3-4 days a week
Determination to keep going for a minimum of 6 months
Put some castor oil on the affected area. Could be the liver, breasts, ovaries, uterus, and so on. Make sure you cover the whole area and it’s well saturated. Castor is quite thick and sticky.
Don’t wear anything you don’t want stained. Castor oil stains (!)
Place a hot water bottle on top of the area and over the shirt. Depending on the heat I’ll place the hot water bottle directly on the affected area on top of the shirt. If the water bottle is quite hot, I’ll place a thicker cloth/towel in between the bottle and the skin and then once it’s cooled I just place it on top of my shirt. (I like to avoid electric heating pads due to the EMF radiation they emit.)
Relax for 30-60 min. The longer the better but 30 min is a good place to start.
This treatment is known to shrink fibroids, tumors, clear liver and intestinal congestion, promote healthy lymph, etc.
You can google how to do this, however some methods are a bit more complicated. The method I’ve just outlined is quick, easy and just as effective.
Write it down and schedule it. I generally do this in the evenings while reading a book or watching a movie. A great excuse (if you need one) to take some time for yourself.
This is not a quick fix so stick with it! I’ve been using castor oil for a over a year, several times a week. I’m using it primarily on my tumor which was quite large (tennis ball size) so I don’t expect an overnight miracle.
Say an intention as your applying the castor oil.
“I take in and give out nourishment in perfect balance.” Louise Hay
“My breasts are healed and divinely healthy.”
“My body heals quickly.”
“I love, honor and nurture myself.”
I don’t always have time to enjoy a castor oil pack ritual but I make sure to at least apply the oil on the affected area before bed 3-5 times a week.
Applying it before taking a bath, shower or even afterwards. The heat will help increase absorption.
Combine it with other oils or essential oils, as it’s deeply penetrating. For example combine it with lavender, tea tree oil or frankincense to treat pimples.
Add a drop of iodine, or some turmeric to the castor oil and apply it to the affected area.
Poke infused castor oil is great for shrinking growths. Talk to your local herbalist and see if they have any available.
If there’s one thing you implement in your life after this course, I hope it’s iodine. I won’t be taking short cuts with this mineral because it’s incredibly important.
Iodine will be a VERY IMPORTANT player in your healing journey. This is one tool that EVERY woman should have and be taking every day, unless she’s eating lots of seaweed.
Iodine is a trace mineral meaning it’s needed in smaller amounts and is used by every cell, hormone, organ and tissue in the body.
It’s a potent antioxidant and crucial for the structure and function of the breast tissue. Iodine is first used by the thyroid, followed by the ovaries and breasts.
Only when the thyroid is saturated with iodine can it be used by the rest of the body.
It’s an incredibly important mineral for women’s health and when deficient can cause a number of health problems, especially with the reproductive system.
It’s a great heavy metal detoxifier
Breast Health Benefits
Shrinks fibroadenomas, tumors, cysts, lumps, may be helpful with cancer.
Important for breast tissue function and structure.
Alters gene expression in the breasts.
Promotes cell differentiation. This is a process which, in this case, breast cells are stabilized and are not constantly dividing. This makes them less responsive to estrogen and reduces their risk of becoming cancerous. Breastfeeding and iodine both boost this process.
Induces apoptosis (death of cells).
Heals fibrocystic breast. Iodine deficiency is a causative factor in fibrocystic breasts and growth development.
It is necessary for normal breast growth and development.
Iodine deficiency increases estrogen production.
What Depletes Iodine
Stress – high levels of cortisol.
Heavy metals block absorption. Another reason to get your amalgam fillings removed.
High levels of estrogen can block iodine and increase the need for iodine.
Depleted soils = nutrient deficient foods.
Poor diets.
Salt free diet.
Symptoms of Deficiency
Fibroids, fibroadenomas, fibrocystic breasts, tumors and so much more.
Iodine Supplementation
There are several different forms of iodine available : nascent iodine, Lugol’s iodine, kelp supplements, etc.
It’s been said that nascent iodine is more potent in its action because of its formulation.
In terms of therapeutic doses, the levels are much lower with nascent iodine than with Lugol’s.
The taste is also said to be much better with nascent.
There are also different price points between the two. Nascent is more expensive.
The most important thing to increase your iodine intake. As you learn more, you can try different brands, products and such.
It’s important to find what works for you. And if in doubt, talk to some naturopaths, doctors, holistic nutritionists, herbalists and see if there is common and particular type they’ve seen good results with.
Lugol’s iodine was created by a French doctor, Jean Lugol in 1829.
Iodine isn’t very soluble in water and Dr. Lugol discovered that by adding potassium iodide to water, he could increase it’s solubility.
Lugol’s iodine is essentially a mixture of iodine and potassium iodide (reduced form of iodine) in water which helps boost absorption in the body.
Different tissues use different types of iodine. For example, the breasts, prostate and thyroid use iodine whereas the liver, blood, spleen, and kidneys can use iodide or iodine.
Using a combination of iodide/iodine such as Lugol’s will ensure that all systems benefit. And for those supplementing with tablets, Iodoral is the tablet form of Lugol’s.
This is where testing your iodine levels is important. Everyone has different needs and should supplement accordingly. I will share what my functional doctor told me. Whenever you start using any new supplements (herbs, nutrients, adaptogens, etc.) start small and slowly increase your dose. Give your body time to adjust which lessens the detoxification reactions.
For instance with iodine:
Please note, this is what I did. I do not recommend the following dosage unless you’ve been tested and are working with a practitioner.
Week 1 – 1 drop daily in a glass of filtered or spring water
Week 2 – 2 drops daily in a glass of filtered or spring water
Week 3 – 3 drops daily and so on depending on your individual needs.
Spread your doses. “Frequent small doses are more effective than larger amounts at less frequent intervals.” Dr. Mark Sircus.
Women with larger breasts will need higher levels of iodine as with women who are dealing with many or large fibroadenomas, tumors, cysts, etc. I started seeing results (from what I believe) when I started to increase my iodine dose.
Take iodine in the morning/early afternoon and on an empty stomach. It’s known to increase energy and should be avoided in the evening.
It’s important to build up gradually in order to experience the least amount of detoxification reaction and the amount of toxins being dumped into the bloodstream. Too much iodine too quick can also inflame the thyroid, causing thyroiditis.
If you have any health concerns such as thyroid issues, talk to your healthcare practitioner first. Some supplements can worsen certain health conditions (!) This is very important if you have thyroid issues.
Any imbalance or growth that shows up in our body is usually as a result of some inflammation. However you can reduce this inflammation will be greatly beneficial. Turmeric is a powerful and simple way to help support your body’s homeostasis.
One of the ways turmeric supports healthy breast tissue is in its ability to inhibit fibroadenomas, cysts and tumors. An example of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
It’s also beneficial in preventing cancer and supports the liver in the detoxification process which in turn leads to a healthy hormonal balance.
Combine a bit of turmeric (powder or tincture) with castor oil and apply to the affected area. Apply it a couple (3-5) times a week till you start seeing results.
Boosting Bioavailability
Add black pepper – a pinch will do. It’ll boost the absorption of turmeric by up to 2000%.
Consume it warm/hot.
Consume it with fats, like coconut oil, olive oil or avocados.
Consume turmeric as often and as regularly as possible. I like to add 1-2 tsp of turmeric powder in a large glass of water with some lemon and black pepper.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D3 is an incredibly important vitamin that most people are deficient in. If you have ANY kind of breast imbalance, please go and get your levels checked. Optimizing your levels could dramatically improve your health, and not just breast health.
Vitamin D is protective against the stimulating effects of estrogen. It not only has anticancer effects but it also inhibits the growth of blood vessels that feed tumors, a process called angiogenesis.
Optimal levels have also been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer by up to 80%.
Where Do We Get It
UV light converts the cholesterol on your skin into a chemical reaction that occurs in your liver and kidneys and then gets turned into vitamin D.
The sun has been demonized for so long, but we’re starting to understand just how beneficial the sun’s rays can be.
Start slow, build your tolerance and tan gradually.
Vitamin D can be found in cod liver oil, wild caught fatty fish like salmon, eel, grass fed butter, raw milk, goat’s milk, egg yolks, liver, mushrooms that have been exposed to sunlight and dark leafy greens.
To reach adequate levels of vitamin D, it’s best to supplement with a high quality supplement. Don’t supplement blindly. As mentioned earlier, get tested. Vitamin D toxicity does exist.
Your body needs bile to digest the fat-soluble vitamins. It’s a fluid produced by the liver to help break down and digest fats. When you don’t have enough bile, you won’t be able to absorb vitamin D. Another example of how interwoven all your body functions are.
Vitamin D is stored in the liver, skin, brain, spleen and bones preventing deficiency in the winter months. D3 supplements are generally animal sourced (lanolin/sheep’s wool) but vegans can find plant based D3 from lichen.
Vitamins work synergistically together. They’re all about that team-work (!)
Vitamin D is best utilized with vitamin F (essential fatty acids), A and especially K2.
Deficiency Causes
Lack of sleep, high stress levels, sunscreen use, makeup (yes chemicals in makeup will prevent your skin from absorbing the sun’s beneficial UV rays), not enough sun exposure, seasons, weather, living in high latitudes and poor organ function will affect the body’s production of the sunshine vitamin.
As we age our skin also loses its ability to produce D3.
Sun Bathing
If you’re lucky enough to live in a sunny climate, spend 20 minutes a day, nude if possible or as much skin exposed as you can with no sunscreen and glasses (sun or reading) or contacts.
Sun Gazing
An ancient practice of gradually introducing the sun into our eyes. This stimulates the pineal gland, which is connected to the hypothalamus, where the body receives beneficial stimulation such as increased melatonin and serotonin, improved sleep quality, increased energy, improved eyesight and endocrine health.
Best to do this within one hour of the sunrise and/or sunset when the UV rays are at their lowest.
It’s a macro-mineral which means it’s needed by the body in large amounts unlike trace minerals which are needed in smaller amounts. It’s an important co-factor (helper) in over 300 functions in the body. It’s incredibly important.
Magnesium is synonymous with relaxation but also necessary for so many other functions.
It helps the liver metabolize estrogen, prevents calcium buildup in the body which can interfere with your body’s normal processes, reduces cortisol, supports energy production, healthy bones, hair, skin and nails, regulates blood pressure, regulates heart rhythm, reduces muscle cramps, helps vitamin D and calcium absorption, reduces stress, improves sleep, supports detoxification and healthy cardiovascular function.
Magnesium works synergistically with calcium and vitamin D. So if you’re deficient in vitamin D or calcium your magnesium levels will be affected. For example, vitamin D is needed to absorb magnesium.
Breast Health Benefits
Magnesium is needed by the liver to optimally metabolize estrogen and detoxify toxins. Excess estrogen in a woman’s body can stimulate cellular growth, cause breast tenderness, swelling and fibrocystic changes in breast tissue.
Women need on average about 300mg of magnesium a day.
Causes Of Deficiency
Too much alcohol depletes several important vitamins and minerals.
Excess calcium in the body
Too much sugar
Refined and processed food
Low stomach acid
Stress (anxiety, insomnia, excessive exercise)
Leaky gut – can’t properly absorb important nutrients
Additives and food processing depletes magnesium.
Birth control pill and many antibiotics deplete magnesium (by harming the gut)
Vitamin D deficiency (vitamin D is needed to absorb magnesium)
Nutrient deficient soils
Pesticides – another reason to eat organically
Acid – reflux
Experiencing any kind of breast imbalances such as monthly breast pain and tenderness often indicates a deficiency of some kind. For some it might be magnesium, for others B vitamins. The majority of magnesium is found in your bones, muscles and tissues. Only 1% of magnesium is found in the blood. A blood test wouldn’t be able to properly detect a magnesium deficiency.
I can always tell if I’m low in magnesium if I’m sleeping poorly, my bowel movements have become more strained, i’m experiencing breast tenderness and/or breakouts. Once I correct the deficiency by either supplementing or eating more magnesium rich foods, I usually notice an improvement within 1-2 days.
In my personal experience, correcting nutrient deficiencies are a great and important place to start when striving for health and healing. I’ve seen incredible results when I’ve corrected my deficiencies. This doesn’t meant that this is the answer for everyone, since we are all genetically different, but it’s a important and simple first step.
Indole - 3- Carbinol / DIM
Indole-3-carbinol helps balance estrogen levels and supports liver detoxification. If you’ve heard of DIM (diindolylmethane), it’s the breakdown of indole-3-carbinol in your digestive system. It’s what indole -3 -carbinol turns into when it’s broken down into the stomach.
You’ve probably seen or been recommended indole-3-carbinol or DIM supplements if you suffer from hormonal imbalance. Eating more cruciferous vegetables will help increase your levels.
The two most active ingredients in the cruciferous family are indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane.
Indole-3-carbinol helps balance estrogen levels and supports liver detoxification.
You’ve probably seen or been recommended indole-3-carbinol supplements if you suffer from hormonal imbalance. I’ve taken them and seen some great results. As much as we’d like to eat cruciferous vegetables each and every day, this just isn’t a reality for most people and sometimes we need a little help.
Sulforaphane is an incredibly powerful natural compound known to help stop the growth of tumors and inhibit breast cancer stem cells. The highest levels are found in broccoli sprouts.
B Vitamins
If you’ve been stressed, experienced PMS, hormone imbalances or taken birth control, chances are you’ll be in need of a B vitamin boost.
B vitamins are CRUCIAL for every major function, especially estrogen metabolism and healthy hormone production.
They should always be taken as a complex as they work synergistically.
The liver needs B vitamins in order to properly metabolize estrogen. When the liver can excrete estrogen properly, this hormone recirculates in the blood stream and creates an imbalance in ration to progesterone.
Birth control and stress are also known to deplete these B vitamins along with other important vitamins and minerals like vitamin C and zinc.
Certain B vitamins are needed in higher amounts than other, such as B6. B6 is especially important for maintaining balanced hormones.
This supplement is formulated to support hormonal and adrenal balance (it has higher levels of B6).
Evening Primrose Oil
One of the key components of EPO is an essential fatty acid called GLA, gamma- linoleic acid. It is anti-inflammatory, helps restore essential fatty acid balance and will help relieve cyclic breast pain and PMS symptoms.
It is not easily found in our diets which is why EPO is supplemented. GLA can also be found in borage and black currant oil.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E is a fat soluble antioxidant which may affect how your breast cells respond to estrogen, and might inhibit breast growth upon exposure to estrogen.
Many women experience reduced breast pain when they supplement with vitamin E.
Eating foods high in vitamin E is another great way of increasing your levels.
Nuts (almond, hazelnuts, pine nuts, hazelnuts) sunflower seeds, spinach, avocados, and olive oil are great sources of vitamin E.
Omega-3’s fatty acids are anti-inflammatory (nuts and seeds, oils like flax, olive, hemp, fish oil, wild fish) which is why they’re so beneficial in helping to reduce breast pain.
It’s important to be mindful of the quality of these goods. Nuts and seeds should be soaked in water or bought ‘sprouted’ to reduce phytic acid which improves the body’s ability to digest it’s nutrients.
All oils should be organic, cold pressed and stored in dark glass bottles in the fridge. They also shouldn’t be used longer than 9 -12 months. Oils go rancid easily and can cause more inflammation than necessary.
Eat cold water, wild, fatty fish if fish is part of your diet.
There’s a lot of information about what to eat and what not to eat. Focus on eating whole, organic foods as best you can. Stay way from packaged, processed and refined foods. You’ll learn more in the Nutrition section.
My intention is to the share information in relation to my experience and to the best of my knowledge. We are all unique and genetically different and it’s important to remember that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. I encourage you to talk with your healthcare practitioner and create a protocol which is tailored to your defined needs. We are all responsible for our own health and healing and should treat any information we come across with care and discretion. The information provided in this course is not a substitute for a doctor nor is it intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.