Healing Women Series • Unique Hammond

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The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don’t want,
drink what you don’t like, and do what you’d rather not.

— Mark Twain

Unique Hammond suffered from Crohn’s disease for many years. During that time she tried many diets and consulted with many specialists. In the end, against all odds, food was her medicine. Beans most especially were the key in her healing journey. After embarking on Karen Hurd’s bean protocol, Unique started to experience incredible shifts and began to heal. Realizing the power of food, she went back to school for her nutrition degree. Unique shares with us some incredibly simple ways we can detoxify, heal and reclaim our health.

“I want to help others with the knowledge I've gleaned from my Crohn's journey and to be of service to those seeking a holistic path to health.”

You've healed yourself of Crohn's disease. Can you share a little bit of your healing journey? What role did beans play? 

It was a long, winding road, but in the end--food was my medicine! As a young adult, I had your garden variety of transient gut issues long before my Crohn's diagnosis in 2013, and I should mention that I enjoyed horrible menstrual cycles as well. Later, I would be diagnosed with Endo. At that time, I thought it was normal. Almost everyone I knew had horrible periods. So, I kept living my high-adrenalin, "healthy," sugar-fueled life. I mean, dark chocolate with adaptogens makes it healthy, right? On my search for remission, I tried many of the low-inflammatory diets out there: Paleo, low FODMAP, and Carb-specific diets, and all proved to be precarious bandaids at best. When I found Karen and her bean protocol, I was skeptical, to say the least. Amazingly, beans ended up saving my ass literally and figuratively.

What is the link between the gut and hormone health? 

Our liver makes a substance called bile, and this bile is used to digest fats while also serving as the liver's trash bag. The liver uses bile to take out the trash, i.e., the body's unwanted fat-soluble waste, like hormones, and toxins, among other things. Our body recycles bile that hasn't been pooped out with food via a process called enterohepatic circulation. Our body recycles about 95% of bile. So, if you are creating an excess of hormones that your body is trying to dump via the bile and you don't have anything for the bile to bind with (soluble fiber), those excess hormones will keep getting recycled..leading to all sorts of tom-foolery. Like acne, horrible menstrual cycles, PMS, etc. 


What are simple things women can start doing to help heal their gut and balance their hormones? 

Start adding small amounts of beans or psyllium husk into your diet on a daily basis. Cut the healthy sugars and caffeine. 

Why should women be eating more beans? What are its benefits?

Beans have the most amount of soluble fiber, and soluble fiber serves as a trash bag for unwanted bile in the digestive tract. We like this. Yay beans. Beans have a ton of soluble fiber and this fiber will bind up the bile..taking out the trash one bean serving at a time.

Why should we eat beans when our adrenalin gets activated?

Adrenalin is processed in the gut, and beans will help remove it. Have you ever noticed how upset your bowels can get when you are nervous for awhile? Yeah, that. 

For women who are experiencing breast imbalances, what would you recommend?

More beans, less sugar, booze, caffeine and lighter workouts. 

Can you tell us a little bit about the 'Bean Protocol'?

The Bean Protocol is an 8-week plan the helps you introduce beans into your body and life slowly, and it helps you create healthy habits for better hormonal and gut health. 

How do you celebrate yourself? 

I eat well!! After squandering my health from poor habits, I take great pride in eating for health.


Favorite piece of advice/wisdom you've (ever) received?

Nothing tastes as good as healthy feels. Take that dark chocolate and wine!

Connect With Unique

  • Unique shares so much great information on Instagram. Make sure you follow her.

  • Website. www.youregreat.com