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Holistic Breast Health




NEW Bath Soak

Detox and remineralize your body. My new product is now available.

NEW | Heal Your Breasts Online Course

Learn how to get to the root and heal fibrodenomas, cysts, tumors, fibroystic breasts and so much more with this online course. Everything I did to heal 13 fibroadenomas and a tennis ball sized tumor is in this course.

Free PDF Download

10 Ways to Support Healthy Breasts


Fascia Maneuvers

My journey of working with fascia and pulling the stress, trauma and trapped emotions out of my body has been THE MOST healing thing I've ever done and it changed EVERYTHING for me. And FAST! It helped me accelerate healing my breast imbalances and so much more.

“So I finished my first fascia maneuvers class and it's unreal. I'm almost speechless. I didn't have any expectations but was amazed at how quickly everything shifted and moved. It's also a really interesting insight as to how much our body hangs on to stuff.

You don't realize you can feel so much lighter until you do. Needless to say, my mind was blown.”



Shop Breast Masks + Oils

Discover incredible breast balms and oils that heal, detoxify and nurture breast tissue.

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Nurture Breast Mask


Living Libations Breast Massage Oil

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Poppy and Someday Breast Oil


What They’re


I have been using this breast mask for over a month and it’s incredible. I have experienced some major energetic and physical shifts. There has been a definite release emotionally as well. I also add this to my castor oils packs over my uterus and sacral chakra. Both my uterine fibroids and breast fibroadenomas have decreased in size and symptoms. This has been a beautiful ritual to incorporate into my evenings a few times per week. I will recommend this to all of my clients.
— Rian

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To Support Your Health




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