Congratulations for taking this important step in your journey for health and wellness. This is Metanoia, the journey of changing one’s mind, heart, self or way of life.
This workshop is for women who want to take a proactive approach in their breast and overall health, want to learn more, or are currently navigating their own breast health imbalances.
My mission is to provide you with the best tools and most digestible information to empower you in your journey for health and wellbeing. Things can seem incredibly overwhelming and difficult when we don’t understand them. Empowering ourselves with knowledge is the beginning of any healing journey and understanding how our body works and what it needs is key in returning to wholeness.
This workshop is meant to help you navigate your divine journey and is not a guarantee. It is not a replacement for your doctor, healthcare professional, ultrasounds, thermograms or other important testing. It’s an extra tool in your toolbox. You are 100% responsible for your own health and wellbeing. You are the only one that can heal yourself.
Breast health is so much more than mammograms, thermograms, breast exams, and so on. While these can be important diagnostic tools, they’re not healing tools. The best diagnostic tool is you. It’s your gut and your intuition. It’s knowing your body.
No medicine is as powerful as our own and to truly experience and witness this truth is life changing. Louise Hay describes breast problems represent a refusal to nourish the self. It is in a woman’s nature to give and care for others, most often at the expense of her own health. Imbalances show up in the physical body when it is neglected emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Learning to nourish and nurture yourself doesn’t happen overnight. It’s discovering what nutrients your body needs, it’s accepting your chest size, and it’s being comfortable in your own skin. It’s respecting, loving and accepting yourself so damn well that you don’t give your power away, not in any relationship. It’s putting your needs first and creating an environment that will foster your health and healing. ⠀
So often we want the quick fix, but it we think of how long our bodies have been out of balance, hoping for an overnight fix isn’t very reasonable. For example, I had created an environment where my number of fibroadenomas had grown to 12. This had been many years in the making. Be gentle with where you’re at. Support your body with what it needs and it will do the rest. And when the going gets tough, learn to rest not quit.
I’m still very much in this journey and am following the same guideline as you’re about to discover. We’re in this together. This is an area of women’s wellness that is greatly underserved and it is my hope that this course will fill an important gap.
You should be so proud of yourself for starting this journey. You are worthy and deserving of the health you desire. I believe in your ability to heal yourself. As someone who often doubted my own ability to heal, know that this is what your body is designed to do.
My intention is to the share information in relation to my experience and to the best of my knowledge. We are all unique and genetically different and it’s important to remember that what works for one person doesn’t necessarily work for another. I encourage you to talk with your healthcare practitioner and create a protocol which is tailored to your defined needs. We are all responsible for our own health and healing and should treat any information we come across with care and discretion. The information provided on this course is not a substitute for a doctor nor is it intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.