
The Most Grounding Food

One of the most amazing functions of seaweed is it’s ability to rid the body of toxic heavy metals. In the ocean the purpose of seaweed is to absorb toxic pollutants, toxins and radiation and to make them harmless. Many seaweeds such as kelp, dulse, bladderwrack, Irish moss sponge up poisons when they encounter them, deactivate their destructive frequency and then release them to the ocean where they can no longer be destructive. Seaweed essentially renders pollutants inactive.

When it comes to the human body, there’s a slight difference. Pollutants are not released back into the body as they would the ocean as the seaweeds bio-active phytochemicals bind to the toxins and do not allow them to be released because the seaweed is not in it’s natural environment.

General health

  • Seaweed is an incredibly nourishing and protective food.

  • Anti-oxidant, anti-toxin, anti-radiation, antibiotic, antibacterial, anti-cancer

  • It offers amazing protection from damage from radiation, radioactive leaks, chemicals, heavy metals. Regular use of brown types of seaweed clears mercury, arsenic, cadmium, chemical pollution and radioactive strontium from the body. Workers at Swedish nuclear power plants eat seaweed to reduce and eliminate the absorption of strontium 90

  • Seaweed drives out toxins but leaves over 50 minerals behind.

  • Infection halting

  • Immune stimulating

  • Seaweed improves the communication between systems, organs and cells and enhances the response time and strength in the immune system.

  • Provides optimum nourishment for repair of cardiac, glandular, urinary and nervous systems

  • Offsets stress

  • Eases sore joints

  • Great for bones, tendons, ligaments, teeth, and connective tissue

  • Boosts libido

  • Support healthy nerve flow

  • Heals reconstruct damaged DNA

  • Seaweed is an excellent source of iodine which helps shrink cysts, tumors, fibroids, fibroadenomas, heals fungal infections and so much more.

  • Helps replenish mineral deficiencies

Of the fourteen elements essential to the proper metabolic functions of the human body, thirteen are known to be in kelp.”

Dr. J.W. Turentine, USDA agricultural scientist (1974)

Women’s Health

  • Consume seaweed when healing after x-rays, chemotherapy and radiation.

  • All seaweeds are known for nourishing hair follicles

  • Wonderful for inflamed uterus, ovaries or fallopian tubes

  • Wonderful for healthy hormone balance due to it’s high mineral content.

  • Provides deep nourishment to endocrine glands

  • Nourishes breast milk

  • Preventative medicine and help heal breast cancer, mastitis, uterine cancer, irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian cancer, fibroids, fibroadenomas, ovarian cysts, infertility, fibrocystic breasts, pre-menstrual/menopausal problems like water retention, emotional freak-outs, hot flashes, chills, fatigue, lack of lubrication, general irritability, etc…

Emotional Support

  • Consumption of seaweed helps keep us connected to mother ocean and her needs

  • Seaweed carries the grounding nature of the ocean. To make a meal more grounding, add a strip of kelp into your dish (soup, beans, rice…)

  • Helpful with outbursts of anger

  • Benefits those with unpredictable behaviours (up and down, hot and cold)

  • For those who are rocked easily, hyper sensitive, or emotionally unstable which makes them ungrounded

  • When you eat seaweed to you receive the energetic essence of going for a swim in the ocean.

Spiritual Support

  • Seaweed teaches us to release what is energetically toxic, to process it in a way that disarms it so it can then be released in a manner that doesn’t harm anyone.


  • Sprinkle seaweed powder on anything you’d like (salads, soups, vegetables, add to dressings, etc.)

  • Increase consumption if you’ve been exposed to chemotherapy, x-rays or radiation

  • 1 teaspoon or 5 grams of seaweed daily supports the healing of infertility, delayed menarche, anorexia, lack of ovulation, thyroid imbalances (hypo- and hyper-), menopausal distress, and lots more.


  • If you want thicker, bouncier, more lustrous hair, healthy, beautiful, even textured skin, strong nails and healthy teeth? Eat seaweed!!

  • Some people say it will even regrow hair.

  • Seaweed is included in the BREASTMASK

These results will be noticeable in about 3 months.

Bladderwrack Tea

  • Gently simmer a handful of Fucus (bladderwrack) for 15 minutes in enough water to cover

  • Or fill a jar only 1/4 full of dried bladderwrack and fill with boiling water, cover and steep overnight